"it's the besssttttt day everrrrrr"
ohhhhhh...that one..... funny how NOW that no one is looking you remembered-
Tomorrow will be the best day ever.
I don't usually watch much T.V. And I thought that I was stoked on the Fall lineup coming back from the dark and dreary depths of the strike. But you know what? This season so far? Lame. I am totally stoked that what's his face finally manned up and proposed to Pam though. I mean come on, an entire cultural phrase has been coined from this one- being a Pam, or being Pammed, or ewwww what a Pam. It was about dang time. But now what? Now what do we look forward to? Filing?
Fear not, dear consumer of popular media! Your answer awaits you-

I am so excited- I mean how cute is she?!

Which reminds me- who are we rooting for for PR? I gotta admit- I am torn. Jerrell or Leann? Leann is so adorable, and SO dang funny! And I love that she rocks those glasses AND wears her hair just like mine and I just adore her digs!
But Jerrell- there is just something about that boy!
I just don't know....I just don't know.
P.S- For all my peeps (by marriage- meh.) Happy Rosh Hashanah!