Today, because it is Friday, and I need to find something to continually distract you all from the fact that I never really blog on weekends, I am hosting another give away!
This week I am giving away the cutest. shirt. EVER!
This is a shirt that was made by a local artist out here named Jamie Agius. She is totally low key and super hip! I kinda dig her.
In fact, she is so low key that she doesn't even have a website! You can email her to get one of your own at
Even her email is cool!
Here is the shirt that I am giving away, hopefully to YOU, this weekend.
It has a hand stitched patch on it, with this awesome print of a sugar skull.

It is so cute!
It is a size 4 American Apparel long sleeve black shirt.
So- now that you are drooling with delight, and chomping at the bit for this shirt, here's what you need to do to try to get it.
In my comment section, I want you to tell me what your favorite home cookin' style meal was, or still is for that matter. What did your mom cook you that you still crave every once and a while? What do you wish you knew how to make but never asked mom for the recipe for?
You tell me...and I dress your kids....