So I have something for you.
Something sparkly!
Something dangly!
Ta- dah!

This is a Swarovski Crystal Heart Drop necklace from the fabulous Maru Maru!
She does such beautiful work.
Like this-

And this-

And this-

I swear, if I had a million bucks, I would spend it in her store.
Plus, she makes it all herself! So fabulous.
She is so amazing that she is offering to give away ONE of her crystal heart necklaces.
To enter-
1. Head on over to her Etsy store and browse around. Leave me a comment here, telling me which item you would like to have all to yourself.
****For extra entries you can....
1. Follow my blog
2. Follow MaruMaru on Twitter
3. Friend her on the Space
4. Blog about this giveaway, leave a comment to let me know.
5. Tweet about this giveaway. Leave me a comment letting me know. You can tweet and retweet to your little hearts content.
Contest will run through this week, and I will draw the winner of THIS HERE GOODIE on the 1st. Good luck!