Last night was the second night of Hanukkah. We tried some take out from a new Italian restaurant (I am SOOOO sorry Peppinos but you are just too far away and not on ROTR). It was so good. I don't think that anyone realized how hungry they were because we all ate so much. I babysat allllllll day yesterday. There was a total of 5 children (4 BOYS) in my house, on a rainy day, ALLLLL DAY LONG.
So the second night of Hanukkah with my family was a welcome reprieve.
This is what they got for night two-

If you look close, their feet are way off the (dirty) floor.
They are called HOP! balls. So stinkin fun!
This sums up the rest of the night on the Danger Ranch.
On another note, last weekend we made this fun little bit for breakfast.
I used cookie cutters to take out the middle of bread.
See- Christmas trees!
Then you place them in a hot pan with some butter.
Kids loved them. It was fun.
Tomorrow I will be cooking all day. Let me tell you, I am excited. Stay tuned.