Wow, I cannot believe it! TWO GIVEAWAYS in one week! So rad.
Lisa Roe, online publicist extraordinaire, kindly gave me a review copy of Don't Call Me a Crook! by Bob Moore. I just finished it last night, and I loved it.
Here is a bit from the website-
"The 1920s didn't roar for Moore. They exploded. And whether he was snatching jewelry or in the thick of a New York high society orgy, he embraced the age with a bear hug. And nothing—not Prohibition, marriage, or the police—was going to stop him from having a good time."
It was very good. It reminded me a lot of something like Keroauc and the likes. He strikes me as the LAST type of man that would write a book, let alone an autobiography, but I am glad he did. Drinking, stealing, traveling all over the world, Chinese pirates, opium smuggling, you name it- Bob Moore did it. Like it was nuthin'.
"So, as the night drew on the Second Mate that was with me started to be very depressed because this was the first time he had ever been in a gaol, and I must say it was not a very good introduction, and besides that he seemed to think that now he had been in gaol he would lose all his reputation. I really felt more sorry for him than I did for my own predicament because I think it must be a worry to lose your reputation, but that is never a thing that I have had to bother about because I have never had any reputation to lose."
"The man that had made this execution stood leaning on his sword, looking down at his work for a minute, but as soon as he saw that another cut would not be needed he handed it to the bearer to be wiped, and then he turned and marched away."
Just so you know, this was NOT the first execution Mr. Moore witnessed in this book. There was more, before this one!
It was a good read, and it felt good to be reading "for fun" again, now that school is (kind of) out for the time being.
Lisa, and Dissident Books ( an awesome INDIE bookhouse BTW!) are kind enough to let me give this copy away! All you need to do is leave me a comment letting me know you would like this awesome read!
I will let this contest run until June 3rd, then I will randomly choose the winner.
Have fun!