ROCKSTARMOM started with a woman named Leah Brumley and her sewing machine and worked it's way up to an awesome company with maternity wear for awesome pregos.
All of their clothing is made from the finest products and materials. Their rock shirts are created and sewn from licensed products- all going back to support the artists.
All of the original designs are her own, so you won't find them anywhere else.
They also have a baby line full of rockin' wearables for your future rock star, a Yoga line, an EcoMama line, all sorts of cool things!
ROCKSTAR MOMS has been featured in Pregnancy Magazine, Beauty & Style, The Momsquawk Blog, TheDailyStroll.com, Maternity & Style, NBC, and In Style on Daytime.

Leah and her ROCKSTAR MOM maternity clothes are so rad that she has offered up one of her own ORIGINAL Tees for one of my readers to have themselves!
This shirt is her very own "Floating Baby Tee". ****PLEASE NOTE- the shirt you will receive will be black, NOT BLUE***** which if you ask me, is even better!
Here is what I need you to do to enter- Go to their site- Rockstarmoms.com and check it out. Then come back and leave me a comment telling me what your favorite item was, or what you just can't live without. That's all, presto bango- you're entered. I will pull a winner next Monday, the 13th- in the evening (ish). So you have a whole week of intense trepidation until I announce the winner!
***extra ways to enter*****
1. Twitter about this contest
2. Blog about this contest
3. Follow my own blog, This Dangerous Life.
You can enter as many ways as you want, just leave me separate comments for each entry, with links if applicable.
Thanks friends! Good luck.
Rock on-