Tomas on the other hand, bee lined it for a friend's house- ANY friend- as soon as we got home from Florida. He was D-O-N-E with family time.
Alas, the Danger family has officially started decorating! The holidays are here!
On that note- I bought this book at the airport in Houston during our 5 1/2 hour layover (!). I tried to post a picture but Blogger will not let me. It is called "The Same Kind of Different as Me" by Ron Hall and Denver Moore. It is the story of a homeless man and an art dealer and their unexpected relationship with one other.
Here is a blurb from their website-
Hollywood hacienda... an upscale New York Gallery... a downtown
dumpster... a Texas ranch.
Gritty with pain and betrayal and brutality, it also shines with an
unexpected, life-changing love."
It was a great book. Once I started, I could not put it down. It was more preachy than I had expected, but the story line of the book made up for it.
So- in fitting with the holiday season, I am giving the book away. Just leave me a comment telling me what kind of a good deed you are planning to do this season (mine's covered!).
I will choose in about a week, then ship in on out to you- the winner!
Good luck- and Happy Holidays!