Tomas on the other hand, bee lined it for a friend's house- ANY friend- as soon as we got home from Florida. He was D-O-N-E with family time.
Alas, the Danger family has officially started decorating! The holidays are here!
On that note- I bought this book at the airport in Houston during our 5 1/2 hour layover (!). I tried to post a picture but Blogger will not let me. It is called "The Same Kind of Different as Me" by Ron Hall and Denver Moore. It is the story of a homeless man and an art dealer and their unexpected relationship with one other.
Here is a blurb from their website-
Hollywood hacienda... an upscale New York Gallery... a downtown
dumpster... a Texas ranch.
Gritty with pain and betrayal and brutality, it also shines with an
unexpected, life-changing love."
It was a great book. Once I started, I could not put it down. It was more preachy than I had expected, but the story line of the book made up for it.
So- in fitting with the holiday season, I am giving the book away. Just leave me a comment telling me what kind of a good deed you are planning to do this season (mine's covered!).
I will choose in about a week, then ship in on out to you- the winner!
Good luck- and Happy Holidays!
That book sounds a good read. Loved the pic of Oliver helping daddy lol..
Rosie x
Well, I have heard lots about how good that book is, so when I read that I thought "Ooh, I want that." But them I remembered I'm on a spending moratorium.
Can my good deed include not brutally slaying any relatives during the holidays. Because, really, I think that's kind and generous and totally in the vein of WJWD...right?
And for my ACTUAL good deed, I'm still thinking on that one. I do always like to do something that will really make a difference. Still thinking...
I'll probably buy the book now anyways as I always take suggestions from friends. I'm surprised you didn't know, Jessica, that pretty much everyday of my life is a good deed! hahhahah.
Rosie- he is pretty cute isn't he? Maybe it's the cuteness that helps
Minimeltdown- it absolutely can!
Jamie Lynn- I did know that. Cory tells me all the effing time!
This Christmas I'm participating in "Shop with a Cop". I work as a police dispatcher and every year members of our department donate money from our paychecks into a kitty, we keep track of families that we come in contact with that need a little extra help, and then in December we pair police officers and children and take an evening and let them go Christmas shopping. We pair an officer with his "family", and he'll take all the children in that family shopping. I've always donated money but this year I've decided to take an evening and help one of the officers with his "family". I'm looking forward to actually "doing" something instead of just shelling out the money.
Paying it Forward.... I love it =-)
Shel's comment made me all teary. In my defense, I have a blinding migraine and can barely read off the screen, so I'm sensitive at the moment. ;)
I guess my good deed is the Salvation Army Angel I'm buying for. But, since you only get to give them two gifts, I want to go back to get more angels to shop for. I got a little boy who wanted books, educational games and a basketball. I got him a puzzle and a book. It was ridiculously hard limiting myself to two gifts! A lot of the other angels wanted electronics. I'm all about education, so I zoned in on the one that wanted the good stuff. LOL
hmmm well, last week one on night i left trader joes and saw a man digging in the can outside of starbucks, he took left over coffee and was pourin it into one cup from multiple cups. so i asked if he would like fresh hot coffee as it was cold out. he said sure, i bought him an americano. then i was leaving and saw vicky the local homeless woman. i stopped to say hi and offer her dinner. i left after giving her my gloves because her hands were cold. the next day i came home from work and filled up 6 cups with pumpkin pie and apple pie, made 12 peanut butter sandwiches and i drove around for 1.5 hours handing them out. the end. i <3 homeless people
ps. read "under the overpass" that one is amazing. true story. xo
I've heard about that book, it's on my long list of books to read.
I have plenty of time for good deeds this year as I have no family nearby to take up my time. Our first feat: The Salvation Army has this program where you can "adopt an angel", you pick a kid from a less fortunate family and get him/her gifts. Since it's just me and my honey the angel we chose is getting loaded up!
We'll be feeding the homeless as well, and going through our clothes we no longer wear to give away. It was 20 degrees this morning! And technically it's not even Winter yet. We figured we could spare a few layers of clothing.
Shel- what an awesome program!
Anonymous- why so mysterious?!
Bookfool- what a bummer on the limit! I would love it if I got the things you picked out!
Erin- you get better every year. i will start calling you "My friend Erin the super fine wine!".
P.s.- this one is a true story too! Guess I forgot that minor detail.
ana- What in the hell are you doing living in a place that even THINKS about gettin to 20 degrees?!
Glad the family all had a wonderful time in Florida!!! My good dead this year will be to help out at the local Food Bank. This is a cause that is near and dear to my heart. Two food bloggers and myself created the online forum Bloggeraid as a place where other food bloggers could discuss food and initiatives of what they could do in their area to raise awareness and perhaps raise funds for the worlds hungry.We have been in operation for a week and already have 30 members..hows that for a good deed on the part of all those food bloggers out there!!!
Val- I want to know more about this!
This is my first time at my blog. It's great! I would love to win this book.
As for my good deed, every year on Christmas Day, my husband and I volunteer at a local resturant that opens its doors and offers a free Christmas meal. We go early and help with the cooking and the we serve for an hour, before we leave to join my relatives and my brother's house.
I blogged about your giveawa here:
If you're giveaway is open to Canadians, please enter me. The book sounds really good.
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