I have been instructed- and quite firmly so- to NOT blog about our trip to D-Land as Oliver calls it, until I am ready to scour and sort all of my pictures from the day. I must then post them accordingly to said blog post, immediately followed by a second post entitled "All of those pictures that I said I would post in a blog "soon to come" and then never did, therefore making me a big fat liar".
I am not ready for that post folks. So I will not tell you about D-Land.
But here is what is SUPER funny about this weekend-
I totally missed my ten year high school reunion. Why? There are a few reasons why, but that is not what is important.
Instead of going to my ten year high school reunion, we stayed home, with our ten year old son.

And I bet we had more fun than drunks (still) singing into the mic and jerks (still) being total assholes.
You know who you are....oh yes.....
P.s. total side note- Happy Birthday Jonnie Boy! (he is neither the drunk, or the asshole. He is just my kid brother).