These are backwards, starting from his THIRD, and last birthday party...
My mom came down with my brother to see me! Ok, ok, really just for Oliver.
You got me.

After a HUGE BBQ, he got to pick out his own ice cream cake. He wanted to pop the balloons.

This was his second birthday party. It was just a boring little ole house party with the 'rents.
He was stoked, especially since this was the second time in one day he got to have cupcakes. We made three dozen homemade rainbow cupcakes for his class that day. And we crafted up some thank you cards for his BFFS that came to his partay.
This was the after math of his first party at Nanny Robins.
Holy Cow! After his presents, she got him his very own cake!
Alas, the party that started it all (well, not really that was mom and pop!). His Nanny threw him a party at a place here in town that has everything a toddler could want in a party. And everything a parent could want too! Which meant, they did everything for us!
I think that Oliver has just had a birthday party for every member in his immediate family! We will all be forced to forfeit our own birthdays out of sheer over celebration!
But they are only young once right?! And if it weren't for nannies, the world would be a terrible terrible place.
So what else- I am so behind on my blog, and I am so sorry. I know I said I had a giveaway last week, BUT......drumroll please- I am working on another site! Yes mam, a review/giveaway site. So I stocking up on the posts as we speak and I am so excited for it! I can't wait for everyone to see it so I can give away all these goodies! I am reviewing so many awesome things, and I can't wait to share them with you.
Mother's day went well...dirty dish extravaganza and all (I LOVE YOU HONEY)....finals are almost over. I have one more to go, tomorrow, and then this semester is wrapped up for me.
I have some copy editing work lined up for the summer, and some research work, which will keep my brain busy so I don't get stuck on diapers and choo choos.
AND....Cory and I have some serious decision making to do in the near future...about a few things....but for now, I am day dreaming about it and doing my homework!
So kind of mundane, but at least now I feel caught up. Now I can go on about my blogging.
Thanks for waiting for me-
his haircut makes him look so.much.older!!!!
that bebe looks TWENTY! he's 3?!?! what a doll. and i love his name. :)
Look forward to the new site....but I must say..when do you have time:D
Big Boy haircut is killing me.
How does she do it all so well! Hats off to you Mama Danger!
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